Saturday, December 25, 2010

10 lessons from 2010

1. Don't go to bed angry.  Say goodbye.  And I love you.
2. Somethings are important in life, the rest is just filler and not necessarily worth your time.  Let go of the excess.  It just doesn't matter.
3. When things fall apart, the people that matter will still be there.
4. Read the ingredients and err on the side of caution.
5. Sometimes you really don't know what a good thing you have until its absence slaps you in the face.
6. Each person you meet is new and exciting, but only for so long.  Or, "eventually everybody turns into a Brian."
7.  Don't spend all your time and energy giving if you're not getting anything back.  Sometimes you need to put yourself first.
8.  Swimming is terribly boring, but can be so therapeutic.
9.  The physical time that someone is in your life is by no means directly related to their impact on you.
10.  You can never have too much patience, grace or humility.  Keep a supply of each at the ready.

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